Forums / Cotonti / Core Labs / Ideas / CRON Engine

#16186 2009-08-18 17:44
# Trustmaster : That would work if you get less than 600 hits. If you get more than 60000 that would be better to use cron instead. Both would invoke same code actually, so a daemonizable scripts should be written first, then we provide several ways of daemonizing them.

So the idea is to add one in place, with a feature to run it if wanted? Or would you have a check balance system to run it. Also, alot of people have a hard time just setting up a blank dB in MySQL, so how would you advise running a basic cron? (no offense to anyone).

You could just create psuedo crons to just execute various things. Maybe to failsafe people using Windows based machines instead of *nix.
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