Forums / Cotonti / Extensions / [RELEASE] Cotonti Awesome mod_rewrite URL System

#12282 2009-05-09 18:23
I tried this and now my site only goes to

I checked everything 5 times. Oh well.


Edit: I wanted add that i have shared hosting, i am with HostGator. In case it help anyone.

The reason i tried to use this cool hack is because my website is installed in a folder /sed i tried to use my cpanel to make a 301 permanent redirect but my server does not like it and is going into endless loop even though i made the .htaccess file from the cpanel?

So i tried this hack to see if it can help me, but now i had to go back to php redirect.
This post was edited by zboy812 (2009-05-10 02:26, 15 years ago)