Forums / Cotonti / Skins / Changing color of Tag Cloud

Where can we change the colors of the tag cloud?

#12003 2009-05-03 17:26
.tag_cloud {
	text-align: justify;
.tag_cloud li {display: inline;}
.tag_cloud a {padding: 0 2px;}

.tag_cloud a.xs {font-size:10pt;color:#c4c4c4;}
.tag_cloud a.xs:hover {color:#000;}
.tag_cloud a.s {font-size:12pt;color:#336699;}
.tag_cloud a.s:hover {color:#000;}
.tag_cloud a.m {font-size:14pt;color:#A0522D;}
.tag_cloud a.m:hover {color:#000;}
.tag_cloud a.l {font-size:16pt;color:#B0C4DE;}
.tag_cloud a.l:hover {color:#000;}
.tag_cloud a.xl {font-size:18pt;color:#aad815;}
.tag_cloud a.xl:hover {color:#000;}

That code is located here : plugins/tags/style.css and if you change any of #XXXXXXX to another #XXXYYY then you'll get the change in your tag cloud. Are you with me ZBOY812 ??

If you want the css classes to be within your skins/sed-light/sed-light.css then you need to change the parameter in the file called tags.header.php which is located plugins/tags/tags.header.php and what you need to change is this
$out['compopup'] .= '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'.$cfg['plugins_dir'].'/tags/style.css" />';
to this :
$out['compopup'] .= '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="skins/{}/{}.css" />';
or you can just write it out in plain like this :
$out['compopup'] .= '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="skins/sed-light/sed-light.css" />';
Take all that money that we spend on weapons and defences each year and instead spend it feeding and clothing and educating the poor of the world, which it would many times over, not one human being excluded, and we could explore space, together, both inner and outer, forever, in peace. - Bill Hicks