Forums / Cotonti / Localization / Trunk Localization Updates


#11950 2009-05-01 15:57
REV 705:

- 8 new strings in main.lang.php
- 24 strings removed from sed-light.en.lang.php
- tpl-files edited to accommodate the above changes
- minor fixes

Affected Files:

Detailed Info:

 * Config Section

$L['core_lang'] = $L['Language'];
$L['core_menus'] = $L['Menus'];
$L['core_parser'] = $L['Parser'];
$L['core_title'] = 'Titles (<title> tag)';

 * Config Section
 * PFS Subsection

$L['cfg_disable_pfs'] = array('Disable the '.$L['PFS'], '');
$L['cfg_pfsfilecheck'] = array('File Check', 'If Enabled will check any uploaded files through the '.$L['PFS'].', or images through the profile. To insure they are valid files. "Yes" recommended, for security reasons.');	// New in N-0.0.2
$L['cfg_pfsuserfolder'] = array('Folder storage mode', 'If enabled, will store the user files in subfolders /datas/users/USERID/... instead of prepending the USERID to the filename. Must be set at the FIRST setup of the site ONLY. As soon as a file is uploaded, it\'s too late to change this. It is not recommended to change this setting for now.');

 * Config Section
 * Title Subsection

$L['cfg_title_pfs'] = array($L['PFS'].' title', 'Options: {PFS}');

 * Users Section

$L['adm_maxsizesingle'] = 'Max size for a single file in '.$L['PFS'].' (KB)';
$L['adm_maxsizeallpfs'] = 'Max size of all files together in '.$L['PFS'].' (KB)';

 * Other Section
 * PFS Subsection

$L['adm_allpfs'] = 'All '.$L['PFS'];
$L['adm_help_allpfs'] = $L['PFS'].' of all registered users';
$L['adm_nogd'] = 'The GD graphical library is not supported by this host, Cotonti won\'t be able to create thumbnails for images. Go for '.$L['Configuration'].' > '.$L['PFS'].' and set "Thumbnails generation" to "'.$L['Disabled'].'".';
+ $L['Avatar'] = 'Avatar';	// New in N-0.1.0
+ $L['Extrakey'] = 'Extra key (optional)';	// New in N-0.1.0
+ $L['Groupsmembership'] = 'Groups membership';	// New in N-0.1.0
+ $L['Language'] = 'Language';	// New in N-0.1.0
+ $L['Menus'] = 'Menu Slots';
+ $L['Parser'] = 'Parser';	// New in N-0.1.0
+ $L['Photo'] = 'Photo';	// New in N-0.1.0
+ $L['Signature'] = 'Signature';	// New in N-0.1.0
 * forums.newtopic.tpl

- $skinlang['forumsnewtopic']['Title'] = 'Title';	// Problem

 * forums.posts.tpl

- $skinlang['forumspost']['Onlinestatus'] = 'Online status';
* $skinlang['forumspost']['Onlinestatus0'] = 'user is offline'; // N-0.0.2
* $skinlang['forumspost']['Onlinestatus1'] = 'user is online'; // N-0.0.2

 * page.tpl

- $skinlang['page']['FilesizeKB'] = 'KB';

 * page.add.tpl

- $skinlang['pageadd']['Extrakey'] = 'Extra key (optional)';
- $skinlang['pageadd']['URL'] = 'URL';

 * page.edit.tpl

- $skinlang['pageedit']['Extrakey'] = 'Extra key (optional)';
- $skinlang['pageedit']['URL'] = 'URL:';

 * pm.tpl

- $skinlang['pm']['Page'] = 'Page';	// Out?

 * users.details.tpl
- $skinlang['usersdetails']['Memberof'] = 'Member of';
- $skinlang['usersdetails']['Signature'] = 'Signature';
- $skinlang['usersdetails']['Avatar'] = 'Avatar';
- $skinlang['usersdetails']['Photo'] = 'Photo';

 * users.edit.tpl

- $skinlang['usersedit']['Groupsmembership'] = 'Groups membership';
- $skinlang['usersedit']['Memberof'] = 'Member of';
- $skinlang['usersedit']['Language'] = 'Language';
- $skinlang['usersedit']['Avatar'] = 'Avatar';
- $skinlang['usersedit']['Signature'] = 'Signature';
- $skinlang['usersedit']['Photo'] = 'Photo';
* $skinlang['usersedit']['Hidetheemail'] = 'Always hide the E-mail';
* $skinlang['usersedit']['PMnotifyhint'] = '(Notify by E-mail when there\'s a new private message)';

 * users.profile.tpl

- $skinlang['usersprofile']['Groupsmembership'] = 'Groups membership';
- $skinlang['usersprofile']['Registeredsince'] = 'Registered since';
* $skinlang['usersprofile']['Emailnotes'] = 'E-mail transition process (If E-mail transition is available): <ol>
											<li>You can\'t use current E-mail.</li>
											<li>You have to enter your current password because of the security precautions.</li>
											<li>You are gonna have to re-activate by E-mail to prove the E-mail is valid.</li>
											<li>Till you use the validation link, your account will be suspended.</li>
											<li>After clicking the link, your E-mail account will be active immediately.</li>
											<li>Be careful typing your E-mail, you won\'t have chance to recover it later.</li>
											<li>If, even though after precautions, you type wrong, please contact administrator.</li>
											</ol>All above is valid if the E-mail validation is on, otherwise, your E-mail will change immediately after process.'; // N-0.1.0
* $skinlang['usersprofile']['Hidetheemail'] = 'Always hide the E-mail';
* $skinlang['usersprofile']['PMnotifyhint'] = '(Notify by E-mail when there\'s a new private message)';
- $skinlang['usersprofile']['Language'] = 'Language';
- $skinlang['usersprofile']['Avatar'] = 'Avatar';
- $skinlang['usersprofile']['Photo'] = 'Photo';
- $skinlang['usersprofile']['Signature'] = 'Signature';

 * users.register.tpl

* $skinlang['usersregister']['Validemail'] = 'Valid E-mail';
* $skinlang['usersregister']['Validemailhint'] = 'A valid E-mail is required to complete the registration process !';
* $skinlang['usersregister']['Confirmpassword'] = 'Confirm password'; - создание сайтов, разработка плагинов и тем для Котонти
This post was edited by Kort (2009-05-05 14:59, 15 years ago)