Forums / Cotonti / Core Labs / Better forums

#10115 2009-03-18 02:49
# TwistedGA : After a look around and a few minutes in ConTEXT, I came up with a solution to your first request.

Required two files being edited. core/forums/ and skins/forums.posts.tpl.

I added:
	$signature = "<hr />\n<div class='signature'>".$row['user_text']."</div>";

	if ($row['user_text'] == '')
          $signature = "";
Above the array assignment for the FORUMS_POSTS_ROW items...

Then I changed:
		"FORUMS_POSTS_ROW_USERTEXT" => $row['user_text'],
		"FORUMS_POSTS_ROW_USERTEXT" => $signature,

And finally, inside the forums.posts.tpl, I removed the <div> tags around:

Works awsome.. Really does help remove the unsghtlyness of not having a signature stored.

Wohhoo! Thats great, thanks! :-D