Foren / Cotonti / Support / Mod edit admin acount...

like above

#1 2. Dezember 2012, 16:02

hey guys, before i made this topic i diged a bit and didnt found nothing releated to my "problem"?!

anyway i never noticed it before till it didnt caused promes on my site, to the point, one of my low level admins edited my acount, the thing i want to ask is... is it normal that lower rank can edit higher rank user? is there a way to "forbiden" it? i didnt noticed any setting in admin panel, im running GENOA  0 6 23

Other thing, i had like 50 innactive users, wanted to re-send them activation link, i have no idea how to do it in genoa but ive used T3 Postman, first ive tested it on my other acount (for testing) when the email came i clicked  the link for activation, browser moved me to my site and i saw: "DOne, user deleted" lol, i think that old plugin cause it, help?


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#2 2. Dezember 2012, 21:20

As I remember Genoa… 

Ability to edit account is based on user rights. User rights depends on «User groups» they belongs to.

For example if user belongs to Moderators group - see that group rights. (Administration panel → Users)

So check «Group rights» and pay attention to lines «administration» and «users».

For example «Moderators» group:
правильный хостинг —
#3 6. Dezember 2012, 09:03

Just as Macik said, if you gave him rights to edit user accounts, he can edit your account as well.

You can try to write a plugin that will protect the main admin.

As for that link, you probably clicked the wrong link, there are two links in that messages generated by this plugin as far as I remember.