Foren / Cotonti / General / Rss error?

rss published two days later Is this normal

#1 1. August 2012, 20:47

The Rss is published two days later.

Is this normal?

#2 2. August 2012, 05:57

It is cached, cache lifetime is set in Administration / Configuration / RSS. Normally it is 30 seconds. Are you sure it takes 2 days? Can anybody else confirm it?

May the Source be with you!
#3 2. August 2012, 06:11

sure my site if, lifetime cache is 0, updated and remain the same, strange. very strange. Could be the server clock?

#4 2. August 2012, 06:58

Don't set it to 0, 0 means "infinite".

May the Source be with you!
#5 3. August 2012, 04:11

I think this related to the date, changing everything. when you change the domain and hosting plan ...

I will try to restore all old archives. Thanks.

Added 1 days later:

 it was ok!!!!!!!  it was not ordered by date in the browser Internet Explorer 9.

lol, apologies.

Dieser Beitrag wurde von elfrenazo (am 4. August 2012, 07:39, vor 11 Jahre) bearbeitet