Foren / Cotonti / Support / searchhighlight

searchhighlight error

#1 18. November 2010, 04:07

Just started using Cotonti and it's good to see new life being blown back in Seditio/Land Down Under!

Anyway, I'm having a problem with the hl.js script. I know it's getting inserted into the header via {COM_POPUP} however I can only get highlighting working with the skin sed-light. Any other skin I've tried it will not work. I know it's not a css problem because I'm using chrome to show me the complete source code - including the client-side rendering - which will show the inserted span tags:

<span class="searchhighlight">Example</span>

for sed-light skin. But for any other skin I merely get:


with no insertion of the span tags.

Please help me. Hopefully it's reproducible; I've managed to produce this bug by:

  1. Installing fresh localhost (WAMP) copy of Genoa 0.6.11
  2. Test highlighting in sed-light = works
  3. Download DutchCotonti skin and test highlighting = fail
  4. And my own skin which I build starting from sed-light

#2 18. November 2010, 15:01
Hello Hodges and welcome to Cotonti!

Currently search keyword highlight script is configured to highlight words inside of divs with class="fmsg" only, that's why it works in sed-light and doesn't work in many other skins. This behavior is not correct, so it will be changed.
May the Source be with you!
#3 18. November 2010, 19:40
Ahh thanks for the reply. I tried to debug it myself but it's been a while!

I'm building a site for my department at university so I'm getting back into Seditio (Cotonti) since it's wonderfully active again! :)

Good stuff and keep up the good work. If I get enough time I'll try to push some plugins out; I've got a few ideas...