Foren / Cotonti / General / Commercial plugins and their visibility on this site

#1 21. Mai 2010, 17:03

I'd like to bring a voice to the case of commercial plugins and their placement on the site.

I have nothing against commercial plugins, but I think it would be better to separate commercial plugins from open source plugins for clarity. It doesn't look nice from the perspective of a plugin searcher and somebody new to the site. As he browses plugins section and sees something great, and the he realizes he cannot download it, a thought could probably raise in his head: "But wait a second, isn't it supposed to be an open source contribution? They are trying to cheat me!".

Either there should be a separate section for commercial plugins, or each commercial plugin should be labeled by [COMMERCIAL] in the name. That's my opinion... This is how it is done in any other Open Source software site - the Commercial and Open Source contributions are clearly distinguished to prevent confusion.

We are proud of Open Source after all!
#2 21. Mai 2010, 17:10
You are right, I also think it should have a separate part on the site..
==- I say: Keep it EZ -==
#3 21. Mai 2010, 17:53
I agree
#4 21. Mai 2010, 18:10
x2 to that
#5 21. Mai 2010, 18:37
Dear tensh,
We do not make big money selling plugins here at However, we supply high quality stuff as free downloads. In most cases these are commercial plugs that we share with the community or plugins that we from the very beginning write to share (and we do not request any backlinks for the free stuff, unlike your "open source" fellows). So I do not see any reason why our commercial plugins can not be placed together with the free ones.
1. If you do care about the visitors searching through the plugins area, why would you want them to search twice -- in the commercial plugins area also.
2. Noboby's cheating noone by offering commercial stuff. If you think so, its your funeral. Many normal Cotonti users choose to pay for a job rather than spend weeks or months waiting for "open sourcers" to fix a bug or finish a plugin (and in most cases free sed/cot plugins are low quality trash). You having enough time to wait doesn't mean everybody does.
3. It is 100% normal to order commercial stuff if you're happy with the price/timings. We do it ourselves also to save time or if we are unable to provide the required quality.
4. Cotonti is a webdesigners tool rather than an all-in-one free end-user package. If you can't do the job, you should have an option to hire a person that can do it.
5. Change your attitude.
6. I apologize if I once again accidentally hurt somebody's feelings. - создание сайтов, разработка плагинов и тем для Котонти
#6 21. Mai 2010, 19:10
mау be, Trust adds new extrafield - free or share - мой маленький зарождающийся блог о котонти.
снижение стоимости программирования и снижение стоимости производства разные вещи. Первое можно скорее сравнить с раздачей работникам дешевых инструментов, чем со снижением зарплаты
#7 21. Mai 2010, 19:33
Kort, you're understanding it all wrong. I'm not going to comment you because it's completely out of my point. Remove your ego, please.
#8 21. Mai 2010, 19:43
This has nothing to do with egos. Free (or whatever) Cotonti plugins have nothing to do with open source and are nothing to talk about. This is one of the reasons why the community is small. - создание сайтов, разработка плагинов и тем для Котонти
#9 21. Mai 2010, 20:09
I'll wait for Cotonti leaders to express their opinion. By this time, I advise you to surf other Open Source communities and see how they are organized around Commercial and free contributions.
#10 21. Mai 2010, 21:26
Originally me and Kilandor had a plan to put commercial stuff in a separate section, or even make an e-shop for such stuff. But as there was no such stuff and it requires making a special plugin, we left it as is.

I agree that commercial plugins and skins should be easy to distinguish. We also had a plan to make a downloads repository plugin which would have such an ability. For now, we need to deal with what we have. So commercial plugins will either have [Commercial] in their title, or I'll add an extra field like esclkm has suggested. I actually think, that an extrafield will do the job quite well.
May the Source be with you!