Foren / Cotonti / Extensions / Support / Recent items standalone

Only recent topics should display

#1 25. November 2009, 05:56
I am trying to make the recentitmes plugin a standalone plugin so it shows all latest topics on a seperate page (so not on the main forums page called forums.sections.tpl).
So, I edited the plugin a bit, it looks like this:
/* ====================
==================== */

 * Recent pages and topics in forums
 * @package Cotonti
 * @version 0.0.3
 * @author Neocrome, Cotonti Team
 * @copyright Copyright (c) Cotonti Team 2008-2009
 * @license BSD

defined('SED_CODE') or die('Wrong URL');

/* ============ MASKS FOR THE HTML OUTPUTS =========== */

$recentitems = new XTemplate(sed_skinfile('recentitems', true));

$plu_empty = $L['None']."<br />";
	$cfg['plugin']['recentitems']['redundancy'] = 2;

if($cfg['plugin']['recentitems']['maxtopics'] > 0 && !$cfg['disable_forums'])
	$limit = $cfg['plugin']['recentitems']['maxtopics'];
	$l = $limit * $cfg['plugin']['recentitems']['redundancy'];

	if($cfg['plugin']['recentitems']['fd'] == 'Standard')
		$sql = sed_sql_query("SELECT t.ft_id, t.ft_sectionid, t.ft_title, t.ft_updated, t.ft_postcount, s.fs_id, s.fs_title, s.fs_category
		FROM $db_forum_topics t,$db_forum_sections s
		WHERE t.ft_sectionid=s.fs_id
		AND t.ft_movedto=0 AND t.ft_mode=0
		ORDER by t.ft_updated DESC LIMIT $l");
	/*===Every category the topic attended to. Very detailed, but it looks huge===*/
	elseif($cfg['plugin']['recentitems']['fd'] == 'Subforums with Master Forums')
		$sql = sed_sql_query("SELECT t.ft_id, t.ft_sectionid, t.ft_title, t.ft_updated, t.ft_postcount, s.fs_id, s.fs_masterid, s.fs_mastername, s.fs_title, s.fs_category
		FROM $db_forum_topics t,$db_forum_sections s
		WHERE t.ft_sectionid=s.fs_id
		AND t.ft_movedto=0 AND t.ft_mode=0
		ORDER by t.ft_updated DESC LIMIT $l");
	/*===Only the category which topic has been posted===*/
	elseif($cfg['plugin']['recentitems']['fd'] == 'Parent only')
		$sql = sed_sql_query("SELECT t.ft_id, t.ft_sectionid, t.ft_title, t.ft_updated, t.ft_postcount, s.fs_id, s.fs_title
		FROM $db_forum_topics t,$db_forum_sections s
		WHERE t.ft_sectionid=s.fs_id
		AND t.ft_movedto=0 AND t.ft_mode=0
		ORDER by t.ft_updated DESC LIMIT $l");
	/*===Modern style, only topic, date and postcount===*/
		$sql = sed_sql_query("SELECT t.ft_id, t.ft_title, t.ft_updated, t.ft_postcount, s.fs_id
		FROM $db_forum_topics t,$db_forum_sections s
		WHERE t.ft_sectionid=s.fs_id
		AND t.ft_movedto=0 AND t.ft_mode=0
		ORDER by t.ft_updated DESC LIMIT $l");

	$i = 0;
	while($i < $limit && $row = sed_sql_fetcharray($sql))
		if(sed_auth('forums', $row['fs_id'], 'R'))
			$img = ($usr['id']>0 && $row['ft_updated']>$usr['lastvisit']) ? "<a href=\"".sed_url('forums', 'm=posts&q='.$row['ft_id'].'&n=unread', '#unread')."\"><img src=\"skins/$skin/img/system/arrow-unread.gif\" alt=\"\" /></a>" : "<a href=\"".sed_url('forums', 'm=posts&q='.$row['ft_id'].'&n=last', '#bottom')."\"><img src=\"skins/$skin/img/system/arrow-follow.gif\" alt=\"\" /></a> ";

			if($cfg['plugin']['recentitems']['fd'] == 'Standard')
				$build_forum=sed_build_forums($row['fs_id'], sed_cutstring($row['fs_title'],24), sed_cutstring($row['fs_category'],16));
			elseif($cfg['plugin']['recentitems']['fd'] == 'Subforums with Master Forums')
				$build_forum=sed_build_forums($row['fs_id'], sed_cutstring($row['fs_title'],24), sed_cutstring($row['fs_category'],16), true, array($row['fs_masterid'],$row['fs_mastername']));
			elseif($cfg['plugin']['recentitems']['fd'] == 'Parent only')
				$build_forum="<a href=\"".sed_url('forums', 'm=topics&s='.$row['fs_id']).'">'.htmlspecialchars(sed_cutstring(stripslashes($row['fs_title']),16))."</a>";

			$recentitems -> assign(array(
				"RI_DATE" => date($cfg['formatmonthdayhourmin'], $row['ft_updated'] + $usr['timezone'] * 3600),
				"RI_IMG" => $img,
				"RI_CAT" => $build_forum,
				"RI_NAME" => "<a href=\"".sed_url('forums', 'm=posts&q='.$row['ft_id'].'&n=last', '#bottom').'" title="'.htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($row['ft_title'])).'">'.htmlspecialchars(sed_cutstring(stripslashes($row['ft_title']),25))."</a>",
				"RI_COUNT" => $row['ft_postcount']-1,
			$recentitems -> parse("RECENTFORUMS.RECENTFORUM");

	$recentitems -> parse("RECENTFORUMS");
	$res = $recentitems -> text("RECENTFORUMS");

	$res = (empty($res)) ? $plu_empty : $res;

	$latesttopics = $res;

/* ------------------ */

$t-> assign(array(
	"PLUGIN_LATESTTOPICS" => $latesttopics,


And I also changed the recentitems.tpl, it looks like this:
<!-- BEGIN: MAIN -->

<table class="cells">

	<tr><td class="coltop" colspan="2">Date</td><td class="coltop">{PHP.skinlang.forumssections.Sections}</td><td class="coltop">{PHP.skinlang.forumssections.Topics}</td><td class="coltop">{PHP.skinlang.forumssections.Posts}</td></tr>


	<tr><td>{RI_IMG} </td><td>{RI_DATE} </td><td>{RI_CAT} </td><td>{RI_NAME} </td><td class="centerall middleall">({RI_COUNT})</td></tr>




<!-- END: MAIN -->

I think I am nearly there, all it refuses to do it parse any new topics but other than that it kind of works. Which is already more than I ever managed knowing the php stuff is pretty difficult for me.

Anyone here can help me to get the last bit to work, so it actually parses the latest topics into that page?
<img src="" alt="green-sea-battalion-uniforms-version-03-" />
#2 25. November 2009, 07:44
May be try this plug? :/
Pavlo Tkachenko aka Dayver
#3 25. November 2009, 12:48
It will not work/ It use new functions in functions.php - мой маленький зарождающийся блог о котонти.
снижение стоимости программирования и снижение стоимости производства разные вещи. Первое можно скорее сравнить с раздачей работникам дешевых инструментов, чем со снижением зарплаты
#4 25. November 2009, 15:38
This new recentitems looks like this:
... can we help you ...
#5 25. November 2009, 20:12
Thats a very nice new version of the recent items, exactly what I was looking for and together with the option to select your "latest" even better :)

Thanks, never thought of checking the trunk.
<img src="" alt="green-sea-battalion-uniforms-version-03-" />