Siena 0.9.6 released

We continue improving Siena branch on our way to 1.0.0 release. What's new in 0.9.6:

  • CoTemplate 2.7 with FOR loops
  • Page drafts
  • Rightless user groups (more lightweight)
  • jQuery 1.7.1
  • Debug mode for hooks
  • Over 10 other enhancements
  • Over 25 bugs fixed

For more information please visit Release notes.

You might notice that we had a poll a while ago to pick the best name for 1.0.x branch. The name of Valencia has been the most popular. However, at Cotonti Team we decided to continue using Siena as the name for 1.0.x branch for 2 obvious reasons: a) 1.0.x is fully compatible with 0.9.x; b) rebranding is quite an expensive thing. So we will use those wonderful names of Avila and Valencia later when it is really time for a new branch name.

Another message from Cotonti headquarters: the developers have shifted their focus from development of new features to stabilization of Siena code, improvements in extension repository and documentation writing. Your input in this direction is highly appreciated.

1. Twiebie  2011-12-05 19:04

Thanks guys!

2. Fox  2011-12-05 19:22

Спасибо дождались

3. esclkm  2011-12-05 19:44
4. Dyllon  2011-12-05 21:59
Silly question, but how is it expensive to rename the branch to Valencia?
5. Trustmaster  2011-12-06 07:43

A new branch name means that we would have to:

  1. Create a new branch in Git
  2. Change all references to Siena in documentation that they suit Valencia too.
  3. Add 3rd branch in "Compatibility" in Extensions, this is the most confusing.
6. Twiebie  2011-12-06 14:37

I think that it would be best to not change a name too quickly.

It takes some time before people get used to a new name, and especially for people that are new to Cotonti it might confuse things even more with different names here and there.

People start to recognize the Siena name after a period of time, so why change it when Siena hits 1.0.x?

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