Siena 0.9.4 released!

Cotonti Team is proud to present you a massive update of Siena branch. The most important changes include:

  • SEF URLs bundled with the system. Read more.
  • Corrected page publishing/expiration feature.
  • Improved content internationalization.
  • Confirmation of potentially dangerous actions.
  • Language strings can now be overloaded in theme_name.php files.
  • CoTemplate 2.6.1 supports nested FILE includes.
  • Custom SQL column types in extrafields.
  • Lots of bug fixes, including some security-related ones.
  • Lots of small enhancements...
  • ... and as a bonus - Administration Panel with significantly improved usability.

By now we have implemented all the major features we originally planned for our 1.0 release. This means that no major changes and no changes in the APIs will be performed in 0.9.x branch anymore. Starting with 0.9.5 all the changes will be aimed at stability, usability and performance enhancement. This also means that plugin and theme developers can do what they want without worrying about upcoming updates: their plugins and themes will work even on Cotonti 1.0.x without changes.

Visit the release page to try it out or for more information.

1. esclkm  2011-09-03 11:40

бонус - не плохой такой)))

2. schulle4u  2011-09-03 13:52

Update to german translation is in progress, lots of changes to apply...

3. esclkm  2011-09-03 15:27

schulle4u  - now you can paste all lang files not in lang modules\lang plugins\lang

but only in lang\de\ folder

4. Kingsley  2011-09-04 01:25

so this one is completely stable for live use?

5. Twiebie  2011-09-04 02:45

I think 1.0 is supposed to be the first stable version.

6. Trustmaster  2011-09-04 08:09

Right, this release has all the features but it is not so stable yet. As soon as 0.9.x becomes stable enough, we will mark it as 1.0.0.

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